Single Team Hub for A360 Collaboration for Revit
Introducing The BIM 360 Field Daily Update API

BIM 360 Field Administration Feature Enhancement

If you are a BIM 360 Field account administrator, you may have received a notification e-mail titled: “Important information about your Autodesk BIM 360 Field account”. The Field product team is releasing updates with new features which require customer-by-customer-base updates. The changes are around administration feature. Account and Project administration areas are redesigned, and have clear distinction between two types roles to help streamline administrative tasks: 

  • Account administrator can create projects and assign project administrators who will grant their project members access to models and data. An account administrator is typically an employee of the general contractor or owner organization, such as the IT manager.
  • Project administrator can invite/edit/remove project members.  (Project creation is by account admins mentioned only.)

If you are the user of BIM 360 Glue, you may be already familiar with two roles: Host admin and Project admin. Account admin in Field is like host admin in Glue. It will have consistent UI and workflow. The changes are expected to roll out in the next few weeks.

You may be wondering if/how this affects API. The answer is: the API should not be affected. (If you find otherwise, please report to us as soon as possible, of course.)   

Below a few images from the expected changes.  

Field Administration

After the updates, administrators will see two additional menu, Account Admin and Project Admin, under your initial profile icon (top-right corner).


Account Admin Project List

An as Account Administrator, you can create and edit projects, and assign projects administrators.


Project Detail

As a Project administrator, you can invite/remove team members and adjust project details.   


You can find more information about new features from the following help documentations:

